Намерете дома на мечтите си

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Най-новите имоти

Това са най-новите имоти в категорията "Продажби". Можете да създадете списъка, като използвате шорткъта "Последен списък" и да показвате елементи по конкретни категории.
За продажба

Апартамент с 2 спални, с южно изложение ...

€ 98,500
Имаме удоволствието да ви представим за продажба този просторен и реновиран апартамент с 2 ...
За продажба

Уютен апартамент с 1 спалня в Valentina ...

€ 63,000
Имаме удоволствието да предложим за продажба този уютен и добре обзаведен апартамент в ком ...
1 1 65 m2детайли
За продажба

Просторен и добре обзаведен апартамент с...

€ 97,500
Имаме удоволствието да Ви предложим за продажба този светъл и просторен апартамент с 2 спа ...
2 3 99 m2детайли
За продажба

Просторен апартамент с 2 спални и 2 бани...

€ 79,000
Имаме удоволствието да предложим за продажба този просторен и напълно обзаведен апартамент ...
2 2 107 m2детайли

Апартамент с 1 спалня с южно изложение, ...

€ 69,000
Имаме удоволствието да предложим за продажба този светъл и добре обзаведен апартамент с 1 ...
1 1 82 m2детайли

Страхотно местоположение! Просторен и св...

€ 79,000
Имаме удоволствието да предложим за продажба този просторен и светъл апартамент с 2 спални ...
2 2 102 m2детайли

Имоти по категория

Подчертайте най-доброто от вашите имоти с помощта на шорткода "Списък с категории". Можете да посочите конкретни категории, типове, градове, области.


88 списък


4 списък


1 списък


2 списък


3 списък

Агенти за недвижими имоти

С помощта на кратката кода "Списък с агенти" можете да покажете агентите си във всяка страница, заедно с данните им за контакт и връзка към профила им.

Ели Цонева

Ели Цонева, агент по недвижими имоти и собственик на Plus Property, предлага богат опит и ...

Кристиан Зарнеску

Кристиан Зарнеску, брокер на недвижими имоти и собственик на Плюс Пропърти, притежава неср ...


Публикувайте най-добрите отзиви на клиентите си и покажете на света какъв страхотен агент или агенция за недвижими имоти сте. Препоръките изграждат доверие.
Sean Cotter
November 2023
My son purchased an apartment from this company, he got great advise and assistance from Eli and Christian. From the first enquiry to final completion, they were there for him all the way. They had excellent English and were professional at all times. From the service we received I would have no hesitation in recommending them. Purchasing a property in Bulgaria can complicated, and hazard laden, but not with this company.
Brian Taylor
September 2023
Big thank you to Cristian for your efforts in selling my apartment. I got more than I thought I would do when I decided to put it on the market, which is down to you. If I ever decide that I need another property in Bansko, you will be the first person that I contact. I wish you continued success in the future.
Milan Dvorzak
Czech Republic
I thank the real estate agency Plus Property in Bansk for their professional and quick sale of my property. I knew from the start that I was in good hands. At the same time, I would highlight their friendly and sensitive approach.
October 2022
Dear Eli and Cristian, My wife and I were very pleased to have been given the level of service you provided in gaining a sale of our apartment in Bansko during the late summer of 2022. The whole process was very efficiently handled with a high level of personal attention from the two of you. We were especially impressed by the Plus Property BG website detail you provided for our flat, and the professional way in which you conducted the preparation and presentation of the apartment when you visited, both as stills, a movie and descriptive material. Your advice on market expectation and pricing was also proven to be both realistic and accurate. Throughout the process your professionalism was consistent with a welcome level of friendliness and Bansko charm.
Големи благодарности към екипа на Plus Property за високия професионализъм от огледа до предаването на ключа. Бяхте изключително любезни и отзивчиви, високо ценя това, че получавах информация за всичко на всеки един етап от сделката във времето, в срока, в който се очакваше.
Евгения Везарова
Another happy customer
Препоръчвам с две ръце. Страхотни професионалисти, които от първата дума разбраха какво търсим.Изключително сме благодарни за сърдечното и приятелско отношение.Април 2022
Plus Property Bansko
На база на 11 отзива
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Yaron TapieroYaron Tapiero
07:38 23 Aug 24
I had a great experience buying my very first apartment with Plus Property. Eli and Chris were very kind and professional and accompanied me throughout all stages of purchasing the apartment and beyond. I'm very glad that I did it with them!
Alessia WiedoAlessia Wiedo
07:22 06 Jul 24
I bought an apartment from Plus Property Bulgaria. The broker Eli worked very professionally and was always available for my questions. The entire transaction went perfectly. I would like to thank the entire team for brokering my dream property in Bansko. I would buy there again and again.
Bea NikolBea Nikol
08:48 07 Jun 24
I am very satisfied with Plus Property and especially the sunny Eli Tsoneva-Zarnescu. They work with high professionalism in the service of the client down to the smallest detail! I highly recommend!
koce bocekoce boce
18:22 25 May 24
16:09 27 Jan 24
From the first moment Eli Tsoneva put me at ease with her charming smile and competence. I decided to trust Plus Property for the sale of the app. in Bansko. I am extremely grateful for the invaluable help. When necessary, the agency's team also works outside working hours. All questions and problems are discussed and resolved quickly, professionally and accurately. As a customer, I received a lot of valuable advice and was satisfied with the transaction. I highly recommend Plus Property and wish them every success!
Sean CotterSean Cotter
16:27 08 Nov 23
My son purchased an apartment from this company, he got great advise and assistance from Eli and Christian. From the first enquiry to final completion, they were there for him all the way. They had excellent English and were professional at all times. From the service we received I would have no hesitation in recommending them. Purchasing a property in Bulgaria can complicated, and hazard laden, but not with this company.
Hari KazakovHari Kazakov
09:12 15 Aug 23
I had the pleasure of purchasing my apartment in Bansko through Plus Property Bansko. The experience was incredibly seamless, thanks to their exceptional professionalism that left a lasting impression on me. I would definitely recommend them.
Dmitri YanminchevDmitri Yanminchev
14:47 14 Aug 23
It was great dealing with Eli from Plus Property in Bansko, I would be in contact with them again if needed in future!

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